Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vaginal Discharge : Causes and Home Remedies

Vaginal discharge is term given to biological fluids contained within or expelled from the vagina. Most women experience vaginal discharge at some point over the course of their lives. Some types of discharge are caused by normal bodily processes, while others can be a sign of infection. Abnormal vaginal discharge can generally be recognized by a change in color or consistency that makes it look different from the normal discharge a woman is used to seeing.


Hormonal changes can cause vaginal discharge dryness and irritation in older women. You may need a prescription cream if the symptoms bother you. Any change in the balance of normal bacteria in the vagina can affect the smell, color, or texture of the discharge. These are a few of the things that can upset that balance:

.antibiotic or steroid use
.bacterial vaginosis, which is a bacterial infection more common in pregnant women or women who .have multiple sexual partners
.birth control pills
.cervical cancer
.chlamydia or gonorrhea, which are sexually transmitted infections
.douches, scented soaps or lotions, bubble bath
.pelvic infection after surgery
.pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
.trichomoniasis, which is a parasitic infection typically caused by having unprotected sex
.vaginal atrophy, which is thinning and drying out of the vaginal walls during menopause
.vaginitis, which is irritation in or around the vagina
yeast infections

Home Remedies

You should consult your gynecologist for the right cause of vaginal discharge. Once you are aware of the cause, you can plan to go for home remedies that can help cure various vaginal problems.

. Keep the vagina clean by washing regularly with a gentle soap and warm water.

. Take a tampon and dip it in yogurt. Insert in the vagina, twice a day. Continue this remedy for an extra day after your symptoms go away.

. Crush an aloe leaf and extract two tablespoons of the juice. Have it thrice a day with honey for two weeks after the periods are over.

. The recommended way to consume raspberry leaf is to pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 to 2 tsp. of the raspberry herb and steep it for 10 to 15 minutes.

. Dong quai can be taken orally by consuming powdered or dried root/root slices, fluid extracts, tinctures and dried leaf preparations.

. The recommended amount of fenugreek is 20mg taken three times a day with meals.fenugreek helps to relieve excessive vaginal discharge by stimulating the uterus and balancing out hormones

. Add a tablespoon of apple-cider vinegar, with honey to taste, to a glass of hot water. Drink it first thing in the morning.

. Insert 1 or 2 capsules of boric acid into the vagina and keep it there overnight for several nights. For some women the boric acid may cause burning and discomfort for the first few days.

. Take a tablespoonful of the dried rind of pomegranate. Boil it in half a liter of water. Strain and use as a vaginal douche.

. A few drops of tea tree oil poured on a tampon and inserted in the vagina can provide some relief.

. Dissolve 1 tbsp of potassium sorbate in 1 cup water. Insert a tampon into the vagina and pour this solution inside to be absorbed by the tampon. Keep it there overnight. Repeat this for several nights.

. Mix the juice of basil leaves and honey in equal proportion and take it in the morning and evening for two weeks.

. Boil a few guava leaves in one litre of water till the water is reduced to half. Cool it and strain it. Use the water for vaginal douches twice a day.

~sources :

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