Monday, July 27, 2009

Menopause : Symptoms and Treatment of Menopause


Menopause is the transitional change in a woman's life when menstruation ceases. It is a natural occurrence, which marks the end of the reproductive years, just as the first menstrual period during puberty marked the start.

As women approach menopause the production of hormones by the ovaries starts to slow down. As this process accelerates, hormone levels fluctuate more and
Menopause TwoImage by David Jackmanson via Flickr
often a woman notices changes in her menstrual cycle. The hormone levels will fall to a level where menstruation (periods) will cease altogether and the menopause is reached.

Symptoms of menopause

* hot flushes and cold sweating
* palpitations
* tingling, or itching sensations
* vertigo
* aches and pains in muscles and bones
* forgetfulness
* headaches
* irritability
* insomnia
* depression
* lack of self-esteem
* reduced sex drive
* tiredness
* urinary frequency
* vaginal dryness.

There are many aspects of your lifestyle and diet that you can alter to help improve the symptoms that can be associated with menopause. These include following a diet that will help to balance the hormones.

* eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
* eating whole grains like brown rice and oats
* eating organic foods
* eating phytoestrogens, including, beans such as lentils, chickpeas and soy products,
* eating oily foods - fish, nuts, seeds and oils
* reducing your intake of saturated fat from dairy products and meat
* drinking plenty of pure filtered water
* increase your intake of fiber
* avoid additives, preservatives and chemicals, such as artificial sweeteners
* avoid or reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages
* reduce alcohol
* avoid sugar on its own and hidden in foods
* regular exercise, at least 30-45 minutes most days of the week
* a good multivitamin and mineral supplement designed for women like Complete Balance for Menopause AM/PM Formula. It reduces night sweats and assists in getting a good night's rest.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swine Flu : Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Swine Flu

Swine Flu

Swine flu is a respiratory disease, caused by a strain of the influenza type A virus known as H1N1.
H1N1 is the same strain which causes seasonal outbreaks of flu in humans on a regular basis. But this latest version of H1N1 contains genetic material that is typically found in strains of the virus that affect humans, birds and swine.
Although the strain may have originated in pigs, it is now a wholly human disease. It can be spread from person to person by coughing and sneezing.


- fever,tiredness
- cough
- sore throat
- chills
- body aches
- aching limbs and joint pain
- nausea
- diarrhoea
- headache
- runny nose and sneezing

Anyone with flu-like symptoms who suspects they might have the swine flu virus are being advised to stay at home. If swine flu is suspected, your doctor should be contacted.

How to prevent Swine Flu

-Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
-Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
-Stay home if you get sick and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
-Avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Puffy Eyes : Causes and Treatments For Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are a condition where the eyes begin swelling due to different factors. The skin around the eyes is very thin and is full of blood vessels which make it very sensitive.

Causes of puffy eyes:

-fluid retention
-hormone changes
-not getting enough sleep
-excessive drinking of alcohol
-too much sodium in a diet


-Wash face with ice cold water.
Drink plenty of water to clean out your system.
Place two slices of cool cucumber on the eyes for several minutes.
Limit sodium intake.
Moisten two tea bags in cold water, chill them in the refrigerator and place them over closed eyelids for several minutes.
Try a soothing eye cream with aloe and vitamin E which can be applied to the eyes.
