Sunday, May 15, 2011

Abrasions : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

An abrasion is a superficial damage to the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis. It may cause slight bleeding. In general, abrasions do not leave a scar but deep abrasions could cause tissue scarring. Usually, abrasion injuries happen as a result of skin coming in contact (as in scraping) with a rough surface.

Abrasions could be caused due to innumerable reasons.

.Sports injury
.Fall from heights
.Bed sores
.Certain diseases that cause abrasions as their secondary symptoms

Kids are prone to abrasions because of all the activity, falling, and playing they do. It is good to have your own personal home remedy for abrasions and especially if you have children.

. Clean the wound properly with a good antiseptic soap and warm water . This way you will get protection from infection of microbes.

. Put a few drops of lavender oil on the affected area that helps in healing abrasions.

. The affected area can also be disinfected with the usage of thyme tea or with a cup of water that contains 3-5 drops of the essential oil.

. Iodine is a good liquid to have in the house as it reduces the swelling and is great in reducing the chance of infection.

. Aloe is soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It helps in healing all kinds of wounds including abrasions. Use the pure gel for topical application.

. Use honey to sooth the feeling of the abrasion. Honey has some great properties and can soften the skin until the wound heals over.

. Crush marigold flowers and then applying them externally.

. Dilute 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water then pat it over the open abrasion. If you can warm the water this would be even better.

. The affected area can also be disinfected with the usage of thyme tea or with a cup of water that contains 3-5 drops of the essential oil.

. Dilute garlic oil in an equal amount of olive oil and apply it to the affected skin. Do not allow this remedy to stay on for any longer than 30 minuets or else it can cause more harm than damage.

. If tea tree oil is applied regularly on the affected area then the abrasion scars can be lessened.

. Clean the abrasion well with antibacterial soap, and coat with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

. After washing with antibacterial soap, coat with cod liver oil. This will help in healing the wound fast.

. Onion juice is also effective over preventing the growth of microbes. Hence apply onion juice externally over the injured skin.

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