Monday, May 16, 2011

Breast Enhancement : How To and Home Remedies

Most women dream of having the perfect figure, which is why they spend thousands of dollars on diet products, gym memberships and figure enhancement treatments and surgeries. The passage of time and motherhood are primarily responsible for the breasts to sag. The skin of the breast is very delicate and should therefore be well-taken care of.

More and more women are looking into herbal breast enhancement as a potential alternative to augmentation surgery. With new evidence emerging touting the benefits of natural enhancers, these supplements may just be the answer for women looking to increase their bust size without surgery.

Herbal breast enhancement is a safe and inexpensive way to increase the size of your breasts. Natural breast enlargement takes some time and effort to achieve results. However, if you're willing to go the extra mile,here are some common remedies for breast enlargement. These remedies are not only aimed at increasing the size of the breast tissue, they can also help in making the breasts firmer.

. The extract of Fenugreek seeds contains most of the plant elements that are recommended for breast enlargement. There are several varieties of fenugreek supplements that can be bought from most stores that sell health food.

. Wild yams help relax the muscles and are also a great herb for the enlargement of breasts.

. Vitamin E is absolutely essential in the growth of breasts. Watercress leaves are high in vitamin E and therefore, is a great home remedy for increasing the size of breasts.

. Marshmallow Root Extract is very effective in the enlargement of breasts and can be either taken internally for a couple of months or applied in the form of a compress directly on the breast.

. Pueraria Mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua, is believed to boost breast size almost up to 80%. It also shows miraculous results on skin and hair.

. Another natural product that is effective in enhancing breast size is dandelion root, which increases production of breast cells.

. Saw Palmetto is a hormone regulator and can increase the size of the breast, as well as treat a lot of other problems, within a short period of time.

. Blessed Thistle contains properties of estrogen, thereby increasing breast size and increasing the production of milk in them.

. Fennel Seeds contain a high concentration of flavonoids and help in forming new cells and tissues in breasts, thereby increasing their size.

. Massaging the breasts with natural oils regularly can improve the size and shape of breasts.

. Adding certain amino acids to your system can drastically boost growth hormone, turning breast growth "on" again. The best amino acids for the job include arginine, lysine, and glutamine. Besides enlarging your breasts, growth hormone also slows the aging process and helps burn fat.

. Dong Quai is another excellent herb which is principally used for treating myriad of female health conditions related to hormonal imbalances and reduced production of estrogen.



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