Saturday, May 21, 2011

Underweight : Causes, Prevention and Home Remedies

The term underweight refers to a human who is not considered to be under a healthy weight. Underweight means weighing less than what is expected to be a healthy person. The definition is usually made with reference to the body mass index. A BMI of under 18.5 is usually referred to as underweight.Genetics, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, no exercising and unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking are responsible for being underweight.

Compared to loosing weight, gaining weight is much more easier task. There are so many home remedies for underweight that you can easily gain weight without taking any medical treatment.

. Banana is very useful in gaining weight fast. You can either eat bananas as it is or by making banana milk shakes.

. Eating muskmelon thrice in a day is also effective way of gaining weight. If for forty days you will follow this remedy, you will be very pleased with the outcome.

. Eat one mango and then drink one glass of milk for gaining weight. Doing this remedy for one month will surely help you in gaining weight.

. Eating three bananas in a day is very effective if you eat one bowl of curd after that. You can also drink one glass of milk after eating banana.

. Add some honey in one glass of milk and have it before going to bed in the nighttime.

. Add dates, anjeer and almonds in a mixer jar and then grind all this together. Then add this in one cup of milk and boil it. Drinking this milk is useful treatment for underweight people.

. Add raisins to your diet and eat them on a daily basis and see the difference in your weight post one month.

. Add pomegranate seed powder, museli powder and Indian ginseng root powder in one glass of warm milk and drink it two times a day for about one month.

. Soak some dry figs in water for overnight and have it two times a day.

. To gain weight the diet should include more calories than are used in daily activities so as to allow the excess to be stored as body fat.

. Eat plenty of fruits and drink plenty of milk. Fruits and milk both are very rich source of vitamins and minerals.

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